Understanding False Pregnancy in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
What is a Phantom Pregnancy?
Phantom pregnancy, also known as false pregnancy or pseudopregnancy, is a fascinating phenomenon in which a female cat exhibits pregnancy symptoms without actually being pregnant. This condition primarily affects intact female cats and can occur regardless of age or breed. Although false pregnancies in cats are relatively uncommon, it is crucial to seek veterinary assistance to accurately determine if a cat is genuinely pregnant or experiencing a false pregnancy. Prompt veterinary consultation is particularly important as false pregnancies can sometimes mimic serious medical conditions, especially if a cat displaying pregnancy symptoms has not interacted with a male cat during her heat cycle.
Causes of False Pregnancy in Cats
The precise cause of false pregnancy in cats remains unclear, but it is believed to involve hormonal imbalances, particularly related to prolactin and progesterone. During the cat’s heat cycle, if she mates with an infertile male, her body will ovulate and form a corpus luteum. It is theorized that the presence of the corpus luteum confuses the cat’s body, making it unable to differentiate between a genuine and false pregnancy.Also, some female cats may spontaneously ovulate, which can cause a false pregnancy even if they have not been around a male cat. Additionally, there are other medical conditions that can present symptoms similar to false pregnancy in cats, such as mammary gland or uterine cancer, uterine infections, and actual pregnancy, all of which must be ruled out by a veterinarian.
Symptoms of False Pregnancy in Cats
False pregnancies are uncommonly observed in pet cats, with breeding cats more commonly experiencing this phenomenon as a regular part of the breeding process.
Given that the majority of female pet cats in North America undergo spaying at a young age, it is unlikely for an indoor cat to encounter a false pregnancy. Barn or community cats are at a higher risk of experiencing false pregnancies, especially if they have access to the outdoors and potential mating opportunities.
When a false pregnancy does arise, the symptoms in cats closely mimic those of an authentic pregnancy. These indicative signs include:
- distended abdomen
- weight gain
- abdominal licking
- mammary gland development
- milk production
- nesting behavior
Diagnosis of False Pregnancy in Cats
The attending veterinarian will require comprehensive details about the cat’s overall medical history, including the timing of the previous heat cycle and the onset and characteristics of the symptoms. Physical examination will involve assessing the cat for swollen mammary glands, signs of nipple discharge, and palpating the abdomen to check for the presence of kittens.
In addition to the physical examination, the veterinary team may conduct the following tests to determine the cause of the cat’s pregnancy symptoms:
- Basic blood work: Basic blood tests, such as a complete blood count and biochemical profile, may be done to assess the cat’s overall health and rule out any abnormalities that could be causing the symptoms.
- Blood hormone levels: Hormone levels, particularly prolactin and progesterone, may be measured to help differentiate a false pregnancy from other reproductive conditions.
- Abdominal ultrasound: An abdominal ultrasound can provide valuable information about the presence of fluid accumulation in the abdomen or uterus, detect a true pregnancy, and identify any signs of organ enlargement.
These diagnostic tests help the veterinarian to accurately diagnose a false pregnancy in cats and rule out other reproductive conditions, such as a uterine infection (pyometra).
Treatment and Management
Typically, false pregnancy in cats resolves on its own without the need for any specific treatment or medication. In general, veterinarians avoid prescribing medications that alter hormone levels because they can produce adverse side effects, and false pregnancy is ordinarily not harmful to the cat.
One important factor to note is that false pregnancy does not impact a cat’s fertility. If a cat experiences a false pregnancy, they may still become pregnant in the future or even develop additional false pregnancies.
If a cat has experienced recurrent false pregnancies, the veterinarian may recommend the following treatment options:
An ovariohysterectomy (spaying) may be recommended for cats with recurrent false pregnancies.
During an ovariohysterectomy, the veterinarian removes both the ovaries and the uterus from the cat while under general anesthesia.
This surgical procedure involves making a small incision into the abdominal wall, tying off and removing the ovaries and uterus, then closing the incision with sutures.
Hormonal Supplementation:
Recurrent false pregnancies can indicate a hormonal imbalance. Hormonal supplements may be prescribed by the veterinarian to correct these imbalances and prevent future false pregnancies from occurring. These treatment options are typically considered for cats that are experiencing frequent or recurrent false pregnancies. It’s important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the most appropriate course of action based on your cat’s individual situation and medical history.