Memorial Day Celebration Safety
Kicking off the summer season with a Memorial Day celebration can be fun for the entire family, including Fido & Fluffy!
Below are some tips to help keep your pets safe during the Memorial Day celebration:
1. Make Sure Your Pet Has Proper Identification
If your pet makes a run for it and is lost, without proper ID, it will be harder to reunite them with their family. Have your pet microchipped along with id tags with your name and phone number.
2. If You Are Planning to Watch Fireworks, Leave Your Pet at Home
The best place for your animal is at home. A noisy, crowded fireworks display will frighten your pet tremendously and send them running for cover. And DO NOT LEAVE YOU PET IN A HOT CAR even with the windows down at night, the can can and will heat up very quickly.
3. Really, Keep Your Pet Indoors at All Times
They say that the obvious is never obvious until stated, so here it goes: leave your pet in the house. Even if they are used to being outside, even if you restrain them, in their panic the will take off in search of safety. If you are having a party, they may not be comfortable around crowds of people, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN. Also, keep your pet away from hot grills, lighter fluid, matches, and propane.
4. And Speaking of the Obvious, Do Not Use Fireworks Around Your Pet
Fireworks can result in severe burns/trauma to your pet. Unused fireworks are poisonous containing substances such as arsenic, potassium nitrate, and other heavy metals. Better advise still, leave the fireworks to the professionals.
5. Don’t Feed Your Pet Table Food.
It may be hard to resist the temptation to sneak some holiday fare to your pet. Don’t. Fatty meats, bones, chocolate, onions, avocado, grapes & raisins, salt, garlic, yeast dough and macadamia nuts are dangerous and potentially deadly for pets. Click here for a list of foods that are toxic for pets.